Helping all students experience success in school and in life

Services for Families

Discovery Education Specialists work with families to provide comprehensive psycho-educational and neuropsychological evaluations to identify individual strengths and challenges to better understand an individuals learning needs and develop programs that will support optimal development.  We assess a wide range of developmental and psychological disorders in children and adolescents including Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Autism, Intellectual Disabilities, Executive Functioning deficits, impaired memory functioning, Anxiety, and Depression.  We also provide consultation to families to help them understand educational regulations and connect them with necessary services in and out of school.  



An in-depth neuropsychological evaluation, or learning disability assessment, is used to gain a clear understanding of a individual’s learning profile including the underlying cause of their educational difficulties.  This information then informs the development and implementation of treatments that are specifically tailored to the needs of the child so that parents, teachers, and other service providers have a roadmap in supporting improved functioning.  The specific tests administered are based on the individual’s needs and referral questions; however, when conducting neuropsychological evaluations, Discovery Education Specialists assess in the following areas:

Sensory (e.g. visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and motor (fine and gross) functions are the basis for performing many other higher-level thinking and problem-solving tasks. These functions regulate information that we perceive from (sensory) and our physical interaction with our environment (motor). If these basic level processes are impaired higher-level processes are often disrupted as well (e.g., impaired motor functioning impacting letter formation as well as written expression or impaired auditory processing disrupting reading development or auditory comprehension).

  • Auditory processing
  • Visual perception
  • Motor Coordination
  • Visual-Motor Integration

Neurocognitive facilitators permeate through all other higher-level mental functions and either enhance (when intact) or inhibit (when impaired) other thinking and learning skills. These include one’s ability to regulate their attention (e.g., focus, sustain attention, impulse control), process information efficiently (i.e., quickly and accurately), and manage complex sets of information in working memory.

  • Attention
  • Information Processing Speed
  • Working Memory Capacity

Higher-level neuro-cognitive functions are activated when we process (i.e. create meaning from) information. We activate these functions when we consciously perceive information (including recalling information from memory), integrate multiple pieces of information to form concepts, and organize goal directed behavior. These include our ability to process (i.e., make meaning from) language and visual spatial information as well as store information in memory and apply reasoning skills to solve problems.

  • Phonological Processing
  • Orthographic Processing
  • Verbal Ability
  • Visual-Spatial Processing
  • Memory
  • Reasoning Ability

Executive functioning is a term that encompasses a broad range of cognitive abilities that include, but are not limited to, planning, task initiation, monitoring, organization, working memory, and impulse regulation. As top down processes involved in self-regulation, executive functions are also tied to one’s ability to restrain the impulse to respond when emotionally charged, think flexibly in social interactions, shift mental sets (v. perseverating), and maintain goal directed persistence.

Core cognitive executive functions include the abilities to inhibit impulsive (automatic) reactions in favor of more effortful (thoughtful) responses, the ability to effectively manage multiple pieces of information (i.e., working memory), and the ability to flexibly shift gears (i.e., cognitive flexibility). These than form the foundation for wide range of executive abilities including planning, organization, task initiation, self-monitoring, and goal directed persistence.

  • Organization
  • Planning
  • Task Initiation
  • Self-Monitoring
  • Flexibility
  • Goal Directed Persistence
  • Behavioral Inhibition
  • Emotional Regulation

Discovery Education Specialists utilize multiple measures (e.g., reviewing records, interviews, direct observations, rating scales, and standardized tests) to assess an individual’s social and emotional functioning, their ability to regulate behaviors, and the underlying cause of behavioral dysregulation (i.e., beyond the behavior itself).

Discovery Education Specialists assess an individual’s development in the areas of reading (e.g., word reading, fluency, comprehension), writing (e.g., handwriting, spelling, fluency, expression), and math (e.g., efficient retrieval of basic math facts, performing math operations, and math problem solving). This includes assessing specific processes and skills involved in dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia.


  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Learning disabilities

  • Executive functioning problems

  • Cognitive functioning

  • Giftedness

  • Learning style — identifying strengths and weaknesses

  • Mood disorders, including anxiety and depression

  • Neurological conditions, such as seizure disorders

  • Developmental delays

  • Autism spectrum disorders

  • Evaluations for college aged individuals and/or adults to assist with accessing accommodations for college and graduate school



Discovery Education Specialists provide consultation for parents regarding their child’s educational needs (e.g., academic, self-regulation, emotional) including Section 504 accommodation and Individualized Education Program (IEP) development and implementation.  

  • Navigating special education

  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

  • Section 504 Plans

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Specific Learning Disabilities

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Giftedness

  • Social Skills

  • Executive Functioning

  • Provide support, guidance and consultation around navigating:
    • The special education process
    • Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
    • 504 Plans
  • Collaboratively work with families and schools to create a partnership to help improve educational success

Discovery Education Specialists will work with families to connect them with services in their community including educational therapists, mental health providers, and other specialists (e.g., speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) that may be needed, beyond what is provided in school, to support their child’s development and optimal functioning.



“Dr. Oates was great.  She was very carrying about our daughter’s needs and our daughter loved working with her.  Dr. Oates assessment was also very thorough, clearly identified the reason our daughter’s learning difficulties, and helped us to develop a plan to effectively support her in school.”


“Our son has received a number of evaluations, both in school and from other psychologists.  Jamie Edwards assessment, however, was the most comprehensive assessment he’s received to date and for the first time we really feel we understand the reason for his struggles and what we can do to help.” 

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